Thursday, March 20, 2008


Salsa was in my Beyond the Basics class recently, and she's an absolute cutie. One of the games we played was "Fun with a Box", and Salsa loved playing with her box! Over the course of the class she went from sniffing the box to pawing the box to her grand finale - crawling through a flattened box on command. Very cool. She can also flip a box like nobody's business.

Salsa with a tree. I took this photo after spending some time at Katy Regnier's photo blog - she is absolutely amazing when it comes to using big, bright backgrounds to highlight the subject of the picture. I am much more comfortable working with close-ups and frame-filling faces. Obviously I still need to work on the background thing - it's difficult for me to see the subject within the larger background and then frame and expose it properly. It is outside my comfort zone. But isn't that the whole point? The stretching, testing, pushing of growth and learning?

Salsa, back-lit. I love back-lighting. This is not the best back-lit photo of the session, but it's the only one I'm going to post here. The best one is very unfortunate in that it's gorgeous, and her face looks great and it's perfectly composed except for the bar that seems to be extending out from each ear, kind of like Frankenstein. It sucks that Photoshop is so expensive - it's near the top of my wish list, but it'll be a few more months before I can afford it.


The end.

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